Krsnaa's Journey

Krsnaa Timeline

Established in 2011, we began our journey with an aim to make quality diagnostic services accessible and affordable to the last mile patient even in the remotest of locations. Our model emphasizes on the needs and convenience of the patients who require our services. 

With a committed team working day-in and out, our efforts paid off when we won India’s first PPP project in Himachal Pradesh for setting up CT scan facilities in 12 District Hospitals of the state. Having thus gained the confidence of the patients and stakeholders, we started our expansion program, to make our services available to other parts of the country. 

Today, in 2020, we are a leading diagnostics company with the largest Private-Public Partnerships we are present in 14 states and 2000+ locations across the country.

nabh accreditions

NABH Accreditation:

National Accreditation Board for Hospital and Healthcare Providers (NABH) provides accreditation which is based on optimum standards and professional accountability and encourages healthcare organizations to pursue excellence. Its assessment relies on establishing management and technical competence in terms of accreditation standards, for delivering all the services within its scope. It goes beyond compliance and calls for the pursuit of excellence on a continuing basis. 

nabl accredition


NABL Accreditation:

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) is the sole accreditation body for testing and calibration laboratories. The objective of NABL is to provide third party assessment of quality and technical competence. Laboratory accreditation is a means to improve customer confidence in the test reports issued by the laboratory so that the clinicians and through them the patients shall accept the reports with confidence.


Star Of Asia


Having thus gained the confidence of the patients and stakeholders, Krsnaa started its expansion programme, to make its services available to other parts of the country by bagging the Asia’s first PPP project at Himachal Pradesh in establishing Twelve District Hospitals in the state of Himachal Pradesh by installing state of the art multi slice CT scanners. At present we are providing excellence in 14 states along with 1800+ centres.

Technological Adoption

Krsnaa takes pride in confirming to the highest quality standards in the industry as is evident by its quality accreditation programme, which made it one of the few labs in the country. The company has constantly endeavoured to update its equipment and it is the only company to have MRI machines ranging from 0.2 Tesla to latest 3Tesla machine and Multi Slice CT to 128 slice CT scanners with the latest in the world market facility among a host of upgrades to its existing equipment’s, to keep up with the latest in technology, helping it to deliver the very best in quality consistently.

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